Volunteer Abroad
You make a living by what you get, but you make a life by what you give.
–Winston Churchill
Some UMW Faculty-Led study abroad opportunities are strongly service-oriented or include a community service or engagement element. View the program pages for more information.
There are also excellent online resources for independently researching volunteer opportunities abroad. Some programs offer academic credit.
- International Volunteer HQ
- Global Volunteers
- United Planet
- EcoSwell
- Global Medical Brigade (UMW has a registered student organization chapter. Visit Student Activities & Engagement office for more information)
A volunteer experience abroad can be used to satisfy either the Experiential Learning or Global Inquiry General Education requirement via a completed General Education Contract. Once the contract is submitted, UMW course SAGE 000 will appear on your course schedule for the first semester you are back on campus after volunteering, and your reflective component will be graded at the end of that semester. To utilize the General Education Contract, students must register to Volunteer Abroad and pay the $20/week Education Abroad Fee. If comprehensive international health insurance is not provided by your volunteer program, you are required to enroll in CIE’s policy for the time spent abroad. Both of these expenses can be billed to your UMW student account.
Students must attend a Pre-Departure orientation prior to travel. For more information, please contact CIE or visit our office in Lee Hall, Suite 434.