Support Education Abroad
Whether it’s studying, interning, research or volunteerism abroad, Education Abroad is a transformational experience for students. Each year the Center for International Education endows scholarships to make international experiences possible for UMW students. In order to make education abroad dreams come true, CIE depends on the generous donations of alumni, businesses, and other members of the UMW community.
Giving Day: April 4, 2023
Make a donation to support Education Abroad at UMW – On the UMW donation page, please allocate your gift to: “Other”, then select Other Gift Designation: “Education Abroad” to ensure that the Center for International Education receives your tax-deductible charitable donation.
The Education Abroad Difference

“I always tell people that my semester in Bilbao, Spain was truly the highlight of my college career. My experience living in Spain changed my world view, my professional goals, and essentially who I am. The person who stepped off the plane upon return to the United States was not the same person who nervously boarded the plane just over three months earlier. While we all know that UMW offers rigorous academics, the independence and cross-cultural skills I gained abroad are things that I could have never learned within the walls of a UMW classroom.” – Jen Crystle, Spain, Fall 2011

“My first week in India, I hiked through green monsoon-fed mountains and trekked through buried villages. My last week in India, I hailed and avoided rickshaws with ease and ate my last spicy meal without utensils. Whatever I was doing in the whirlwind in between – whether calming, stressful, or just plan confusing – never lacked for stimulus or fascination.” – Becca Bice, India, Fall 2011