Curricular Practical Training (CPT) Request Form CPT InstructionsStudents in F-1 visa status must receive CPT authorization from CIE in order to engage in any type of alternate work/study, internship,or practicum BEFORE your work begins! CPT authorization is noted directly on page two of a new I-20. You should submit your CPT request to CIE at least a week before your employment begins. There is no cost to apply for CPT.Name First Last Student Email I am requesting:* Part-time CPT (up to 20 hours/week) Full-time CPT (more than 20 hours/week) I am requesting CPT in my final semester:*CPT may occur during your final semester, but the CPT related credits cannot be the only credits on your schedule. Yes No CPT Term*I will engage in CPT during: Fall Semester Spring Semester Summer CPT Start Date* Month Day Year CPT End Date* Month Day Year Student's Major*Curricular Practical Training (CPT) work authorization allows F-1 students to gain practical experience in their major or academic program prior to graduation. As such, the work must be related to your major/academic program and fulfill the requirements of a course in your program. Student's Second Major or Minor, if applicable Do you agree to the terms and conditions?*I understand the CPT requirements and agree to the terms set forth in this form. I understand for CPT that is a non-required part of the program, the practical work experience is for credit and directly related to my field of study. To receive UMW credit for an internship, I will complete an Academic Internship Contract and register for UMW credit (typically 499) during the term I engage in CPT. I am aware that CPT may impact my tuition and fees. I agree Next StepsCIE will review your request and consult the Office of Career Services to ensure you have a completed Academic Internship Contract on file. CIE will e-mail you withing 10 business days to confirm whether CPT is approved and provide you with an updated I-20. Captcha Δ